Virus and Malware Removal: A Quick How-To - Xecunet

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Virus and Malware Removal: A Quick How-To

The world of computer virus removal and protection is different today. Most of the viruses you see in the wild are not destructive in the traditional sense of a virus. They are also not what you might think of as a virus. The correct term for today’s viruses is malware. The purpose of today’s malware is to either gather information, sell you a fake removal product, display ads, or redirect search results. The best way to remove malware is to not get infected in the first place but if you do get infected here is how I remove infections.

1. Use Multiple Programs. One program usually will not clean off all of the infected files. Here is a list of what I use and the order I use them in. Just download, install using the defaults, and run the program. It will do the rest.

a. Malwarebytes

b. Hitman Pro 3.5

c. Combofix (use this program as a last resort)

2. Once clean, protect yourself from re-infection. Microsoft Security Essentials is a great free anti-malware program.

I hope this brief tutorial will help get you started. There are plenty of resources on the internet to help with malware removals. A quick Google search will help you locate cleanup instructions for almost any program.