Outsourcing your IT - 3 Key Benefits - Xecunet

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Outsourcing your IT – 3 Key Benefits

Outsourcing your IT

Whether your business has grown to the point that you are faced with hiring a costly dedicated staffer to handle your computer network or you are looking for ways to run more efficiently, outsourcing your IT can help you save money. Outsourcing is about more than money; most businesses find they free up valuable employee time and in-house resources when they opt for an outsourced IT professional, too.

Outsourcing your IT can Save Money

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing your IT is lowered costs. From the savings achieved by not allocating a dedicated staffer to your computer related tasks to the elimination of costs associated with keeping that employee trained and up to date, outsourcing frees up valuable dollars for your business. You spend money on more than training when you have a staffer dedicated to your systems – from costly healthcare insurance to retirement costs and even vacation time, a dedicated employee may be stretching your budget too far.

The right IT professional can also make sure that you are spending your money in the right place and not purchasing redundant equipment or software. Having a full understanding of the capabilities of the things you already own can prevent you from overspending on things you don’t really need.

Save Time and Boost Efficiency

Even if you have skilled, trusted people in place who can navigate your network and help out with installation and upkeep, if they are taking time from their regular tasks to attend to your network, you are not operating as efficiently as you could.

One mistake by a less than expert staffer could cause a catastrophic error – and people who know “a little” about computers know just enough to make major errors on your network. A breakdown, hacking attempt or equipment failure could put your business into a tailspin if you can’t get things up and running in a hurry. An IT expert will spot most issues far before they have the chance to harm your business and by performing regular monitoring and maintenance tasks, can help you get back on track if there is an event that damages your systems.

Opting for an outsourced expert allows you to give all of those time-consuming tasks to a pro and allows your savvy team members to focus on what they do best – running your business.

Reduce Stress Levels and Risk

If you are worried about the security of your proprietary and customer data, then having a professional manage your network and systems is a must. If you are not 100 percent certain that your systems and network are secure, you could lose not only your own data but expose your customers to a breach as well.

Improving your security and ensuring that your network is truly safe is just part of the job; outsourcing your IT helps mitigate your risk in a variety of ways – and lowered risk equals lowered stress for most business owners. To learn more about the ways that outsourced IT and managed IT services from Xecunet can benefit your business, contact us. We’re here to help you boost your productivity and ensure that you are truly running as efficiently as possible.